Tuesday, October 7, 2008

MSR Report for USS Augusta Ada, NCC-55011, for September, 2008


Status Report for month of: September, 2008

From: USS Augusta Ada
Registry: NCC-55011
Chapter Type: Meeting
Region: 4

Prev meeting: September 27, 2008 (4th Saturday) at a Place in San
Francisco that serves food (Pizza?)
Next meeting: October 25, 2008 (4th Saturday) at either Quark's Bar and
Grill on Deep Space Nine or a Pizza place in San Francisco. We haven't
decided yet.

Chapter newsletter: None
Last Publication Date: N/A

Commanding officer: Captain Heather Stern
Mailing Address: 903 Harriet
Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: 408-374-7623
E-mail Address: star@starshine.org
OTS/OCC Status: OTS, ? and OCC, ?

Executive Officer: Captain Kenneth Parker
Mailing Address: 1524 Melrose Ave. #201
Seattle, WA 98122
Phone: 206-324-2310
E-Mail Address: trek@kparker.org or sea_kenp@mac.com
OTS/OCC Status: OTS, Feb, 1999 and OCC, Mar, 2000

City of Charter: San Francisco, California
Chapter Mail Address: c/o Heather Stern
903 Harriet
Campbell, CA 95008
Chapter E-mail Address: trek@starshine.org
Chapter Website URL: http://trek.starshine.org

Shuttles: None

Promotions, DSA's and/or Citations: None

Academy Graduates: None

Activities: Our regular meeting was held at a San Francisco Pizza
parlor. It turned into a powwow between
the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer in how to repair the
communications systems.

The business portion of this meeting was short, mentioning goings on
in Starfleet itself.

There were conventions mentioned, as well as a little conversation
about how backward
planets handle changes in who is in charge.

Note that it's always fun to watch our political situation from a
Star Trek perspective. I
will leave it up to the readers to figure out what Star Trekkie
planets our current presidential
candidates might have come from.

We created a new section today on our agenda, but could not agree on
a name for it.
It had to do with a dream I had, which could easily become a science
fiction book.
This dream was of a Time Explosion. Fair enough. We all know about
physical explosions.
Put some dynamite in front of my body and set it off, and my body
doesn't like it at all! Seems
that the heart loses track of where the liver is, and the brain gets
quite upset about the entire
situation. In many cases, this could lead to a tunnel with a light
in front, with dead relatives (or Q)
asking me why I couldn't simply move away from the dynamite while
the fuse was still burning.
You know how it is? Nobody seems to have any respect anymore.

So, several nights ago, I had the most fascinating dream. Here I
was, watching TV, minding my
own business when suddenly, there's something that looks like broken
glass all over the place.
However, when I looked into any of them, I saw myself, but in a
slightly different scene -- some
in my kitchen, some in my bathroom, some walking downtown, some on
the bus, and so on.

There was something extremely unusual about this, quite disquieting
experience of mine. Things
finally calmed down and I could look around. I immediately went
into a state where I was aware
of myself in bed, while I was flying around the cosmos in a
completely comfortable body. (In other
words, there wasn't the usual disruption of bodily function that
might occur when you are tossed
out of an Airlock). In fact, unlike the physical explosion a couple
of paragraphs ago, this time
explosion didn't hurt at all. I was able to view the entire thing,
quite comfortable, and with quite
a bit of fascination! This was more vivid than any other dream in
my life!!! It was as if I had a core,
the person who was in bed at the time, who finally got up and wrote
this in my Journal. Another
difference between this and normal dreams: Normal dreams fade away.
This one made me
feel actually more and more strong, as I assimilate all of these
versions of myself. I remind
people that I'm exploring other universes in
http://eyeblinkuniverse.blogspot.com where you can
get the first 11 pages of a new book I am writing in PDF format from
the early BLOG posts.

Note that our Comm Systems are still out of whack. I am attempting
to remedy
this by adding a BLOG site: http://ussaugustaada.blogspot.com as an
to our normal site, http://trek.starshine.org (which is run by our
These Monthly Status Reports will be posted on this BLOG site, by
the way.

Problems: Mainly me! I did submit this MSR late, after all.

Starfleet Roster: Kenneth Parker, SCC-52443
David Benfell, SCC-52582
Heather Stern, SCC-49741
Steven Okay, SCC-53725
James Dennis, SCC-54405
Ancilla Allsman, SCC-54536
Andrey Kuznetsov
Others to be determined.

Executive officer: Captain Kenneth Parker
Date: October 7, 2008

Reporting officer: Captain Kenneth Parker
Date: October 7, 2008


Best Regards,

Ken Parker, XO, USS Augusta Ada, NCC-55011, Region 4.

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